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【Imanesia】 Capital Magica

World Concept

【Imanesia】 Capital Magica

World Concept
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Concept Art:Hiroshi Oonishi

【Imanesia】 Capital Magica

On land, ocean, the sky… The power of nature overflows with threats and blessings. We live in a world where, through wisdom and pursuit, the laws of nature have been deciphered. Mankind had tamed nature with magic to control, and coexist. At the center of such world, sits the continent of Galdonia. Above this continent once floated the ancient nation Magica, ruled by ethereal beings. The people of Magica drew energy from the colossal entity Savios, and prospered through their control over miracles. But eventually, Savios’ energy had all been consumed, and Magica’s floating castle had fallen to perish, along with its residents. The humans and demons on the surface who held respect to the people of Magica, built settlements around the collapsed castle. These people had benefited off the unearthed magical items, and gradually developed to even bring Magica back to life. Magic was not an all-purpose miracle that can do anything. It was the fruition of science waiting at the end of wisdom, revelation, and endless research. We live to know - the “potential” and the “limitations” of scientific witchery. We live to know - the “terrors” and the “existence” of things wisdom alone can’t surpass. And people live to know this world, where science and magic is one and the same, under the name “Imanesia”.

【Imanesia】 Capital Magica

World Modeler:arikuiroomBGM Composer:Shintaro AokiLogo Design:YAMiNABE

Key Words:
  • Fantasy
  • Magic
  • Royal capital
  • Castle town
  • Square
  • Pub
  • Festival