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【Technokinds】 TetherFord

World Concept

【Technokinds】 TetherFord

World Concept
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Concept Art:Mitsuru Tokishiro

【Technokinds】 TetherFord

In a near future not too distant, there exists a new age… The age of Technokinds. Highly advanced and overzealous innovations have brought various benefits and destruction to the world. And likewise, cities around the world were in constant disarray between development and ruin… Light and darkness had made a sharp divide in one of Technokind’s cities, Tetherford. The influence of the megacorp “Kagoshige Industries” grew and grew, until the country and the government became nothing more than decorations. With Kagoshige pulling the strings, the value of human life was becoming questionable. In retrospect, the cybernetic tech that brought Tetherford to glory was in fact under equal exchange for people’s lives. Becoming too accustomed to dealing with the devil, Tetherford began attracting the attention of agents from other Technokind city-states. To this day, countless spies lurk the Tetherfort residential areas, most prominently in the slum district. –But it is to say, it’s in dark places like this, where people’s ideals intertwine and drown, do we see a glimpse of the razor-sharp edge shine. Welcome to the world of Technokinds, the future where life burns ever so bright.

【Technokinds】 TetherFord

World Modeler:arikuiroomBGM Composer:Shintaro AokiLogo Design:Darth

Key Words:
  • Cyberpunk
  • Implant
  • Illuminations
  • Trading city
  • Spaceport
  • Distant Future
  • Cybernetics