XRC (Cross Reality College)
- Kowloon Empire Hachiban Ward
Code Silent - Cultivation Prep Assembly - 37 - WorldEnd:Utopia - Regrowth
Highland - Bulwark of Lamentations - 19
XRC (Cross Reality College)
Cross Reality College
Discover the XRC Virtual School, where passionate teachers and enthusiastic learners connect for a truly enriching experience. Our three-month event periods provide ample time for educators to share deep knowledge and extensive skills that go beyond conventional limits. As a learner, you'll dive into profound studies and connect with peers who share your growth journey. Plus, regular interaction events foster a vibrant community. Join XRC Virtual School and elevate your learning adventure today!
Groove Ground GraffCity
Komorisaki Village
The Alter Vista
Imperial Scorchclad Gorivagg
Kowloon Empire Hachiban Ward
Aquedust Capital Avidaar
WorldEnd:Utopia - Regrowth
VketMall: Open Closet
VketMall: Philip's Sheep