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World Concept

Komorisaki Village

World Concept
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  • Space Exhibition
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  • Video Exhibition
  • Portal Exhibition
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Concept Art:Dangotaso

Komorisaki Village

O, komori. O, komori now. Tis' cold out there. Hurry back home. Beam those ear-to-ear. Wear them so they know. Tis' cold out there. A village it takes. Oh? You there, 'ave you come join the festival? Waddaya think, the thing's called the "Komori-Matsuri." The place's become loney one after the years, but the festivals twice a year livens back the heart. There's plenty of grub to go around, and "Okomori-sama's" here to keep us safe too. So you relax and spread those wings. Ya might feel so cozy you'd not want to leave! GAHAHAH! Hm? You're wondering 'bout these flyers put up? Some kid named Ichiko from the city went missing and it's a ruckus. ...Bargin' in from the outsides like that, tryin'a mess with the village. Sure Okomori-sama's mad too ya know.

Komori-Matsuri Tale

World Modeler:GYPSY01BGM Composer:yuugen6Logo Design:Gaikokan YUKI

Key Words:
  • Japanese horror
  • Urban myth
  • Old run-down village
  • Redevelopment
  • Landlord diety
  • Old customs
  • Missing persons
  • Summer festival

Hikiko-Mori Tale

World Modeler:GYPSY01BGM Composer:yuugen6Logo Design:Gaikokan YUKI

Key Words:
  • Japanese horror
  • Oddity
  • Paranormal incidents
  • Old run-down village
  • Halted redevelopment
  • Maddened diety
  • Old customs
  • Spirited away
  • Winter festival